3D Printing Services, Prototyping & Reverse Engineering

In-House 250x250x450mm Delta-Printer

AMPEX 1300 - Load Handle

Reverse Engineered components for Geocom Services Australia. The “portable” Ampex 1300 is a magnetic tape drive, developed in the 1960’s and this version is one of very few remaining world-wide, still functional and capable of reading magnetic disc drives from the era. The bakelite loading handle, being one of the only components to have failed, required reverse engineering and within a few hours, 21st century Nylon-Carbon Fibre replacement and spares were completed - hopefully to last another 60-years!

Crib Handle

Reverse engineered, clips designed to hold the sides of a popular crib from the lat 1990’s.

Client found that many functional cribs required this component to be replaced, due to polymer degradation.

Originally designed for injection molding, utilising 3D printing proved more efficient for the small quantity and allowed some design changes for ease of use.